
Signed comic strips by Børge Lund

In 2007 Børge submitted a few comic strips to Dagbladet's comic competition. He didn't win, but kept working on the series, which got the title Lunch. In 2009 it was included as a side series in Pondus, and a permanent spot in Dagbladet.

Egmont Serieforlaget published the first Lunch book, «K-O-M-I-N-U-K-I-S-J-O-N», summer 2011. It quickly sold out.

Lunch got its own magazine summer 2013, published every six weeks. It was at the time the biggest investment in a Norwegian comic strip since Pondus and Nemi in 2000 and 2002, with first presses of 60 000 for the first numbers.

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