Editions of The Bible

Part of the Bible was published in Norwegian in the late 13th century, when parts of the Old Testament was translated to Old Norse. This translation was titled "Stjórn", meaning "guidance". The translation was probably done by King Håkon the 5th Magnusson's court. Only two Icelandic transcripts remain.

Part of the Bible was published in Norwegian in the late 13th century, when parts of the Old Testament was translated to Old Norse. This translation was titled "Stjórn", meaning "guidance". The translation was probably done by King Håkon the 5th Magnusson's court. Only two Icelandic transcripts remain.

Biblia Vulgata, the common Bible or everyman's Bible, is the name of the Latin translation of the Old Testament from Hebrew and the New Testament from Greek. The translation was done by Hieronymus in the period 382-405, by order of the pope Damasus. The Vulgata has been the official Bible text for the Roman Catholic Church since 1546. It was revised in 1979, with the title Nova Vulgata.


1524: Christian II's new testament:  Thette ere thet Nøye testamenth paa danske ret effter latinen vdsatthe.

1529: Christiern Pedersen's New Testament (from the Vulgata).

1541: The Vasa Bible (Swedish): Biblia, Thet är: All then Helgha Scrifft, På Swensko

1550: Christian III’s Bibel: Det er den gantske Hellige Scrifft, vdsæt paa Danske (Reformasjonsbibelen). The first complete Bible printed in Danish. 96 of the estimated 3000 copies printed is said to have made their way to Norway. The price at the time was 5 daler, equivalent of a good ox or thirty barrels of rye.

1589: Frederik II’s Bibel: Biblia Det er / Den gantske Hellige Scrifft / paa Danske / igen offuerseet oc Prentet efter Salige oc Høylofflige ihukommelse

1607: Resens bibeloversettelse: BIBLIA, Paa Danske / Det er Den gantske hellige scriftis Bøgger igenemseete med flijd efter den Æbræiske  og Grækeske text

1633: Christian IV’s Bibel: BIBLIA / Det er, / Den gantske Hellige Scrifft, paa Danske / igien offuerseet oc Prentet / effter vor allernaadigste / Herris oc Kongis K. CHRISTIAN / den IV. Befaling Cum Gratia et Privilegio

1647: Den Resen-Svaningske Bibel: This edition is the canonical translation in Norway until the Norwegian translations came along. Det Norske Bibelselskap published revised editions in 1820 and 1830. One edition was edited and published by Olaus Nielsen in 1853.

1670: Frederik III’s Huus- og Rejse-BIbel: (Reprinted many times until 1802).

1722: Fredrik IVs bibel: BIBLIA , Det er Den Gandske Hellige Skrift, Ved  Kong Frederich Den Fierdes Christelige Omsorg.

1829: Det Britiske og Udenlandske Bibelselskabs Bibel: BIBLIA, Det er Den gandske Hellige Skriftes, Det Gamle og Nye Testamentes Canoniske Bøger Efter det femte Kjøbenhavnske Oplag. Printed in London. Rare.

1834: Det Britiske og Udenlandske Bibelselskabs Bibel: Bibelen eller Den Hellige Skrift, indeholdende det Gamle og Nye Testamentes canoniske Bøger. Trykt hos Chr. Grøndahl, Christiania. Rare!

1837: Bildebibel: Bibelen eller Den Hellige Skrift. Indeholdende Det gamle og nye Testementes canoniske bøger. Med billeder i Staalstik og Lithographi. Printed in Christiania. H.T. Winthers Forlag. Rare!

1840: Billed-Bibel for det norske folk, indeholdende Den hellige Skrifts kanoniske Bøger: Private publication printed in Christiania with 100 pictures.

1853: Olaus Nielsens Bibel: Bibelen eller den gandske Hellige Skriftes Bøger.Med Flid og efter Grundtexten efterseete og rettede; saa og med mange Paraleller og udførlige Summarier forsynede. (Efter Fleres Ønske foranstaltet og trykketaf Niels Ulnæs og Olaus Nielsen.) Gjennemseet og korrigeret, efter en Bibeludgave Af 1744, af Olaus Nielsen Fredrikshald 1853. Printed by Chr Olsen in 6.000 copies. The new printing in 1858 caused the printer's bankruptcy.

1854: Bibelselskapets norske Bibel: Bibelen eller Den Hellige Skrift, indeholdende det Gamle og Nye Testamentes kanoniske bøger. Tilligemed det Gamle Testamentes apokryfiske Bøger. The first Bible produced in Norway, but still in Danish. This edition also became popular in Denmark.

1858: The first Norwegian Bible: Bibelen eller Den hellige Skrift med Indledninger og oplysende Anmærkninger ved Otto von Gerlach. The Bible was published in Fredrikshald in 15.000 copies. Revised editions were published 1873, 1887, 1891 and 1940. New translations in 1988 and 1994.


New Norwegian:

1889: Det nye Testamente. Umsett fraa den greske Grunntekst paa norsk Folkemaal og utgjevet med Statskostnad av Det norske Samlaget. (The New Testament was published in Bokmål in 1904.)

1921: Fyrebilsbibelen: The first complete Bible translation to New Norwegian.

1938: Indrebøoversettelsen: Often called NO38.



1811: Tat Ajles Tjalog (The Bible in Ume sámi). This edition was produced by "Det britiske og utenlandske bibelselskap" (The British and foreign bible company), and intended for Sámi people in Sweden, Finland, Russia and Norway. The New Testament was published in 1755.

1895: Bibal daihe Bassi čala, mi sistes doalla boares ja åđđa testamenta kanonalaš girjid (Northern Sámi: The Bible or the Holy Text, containing the old and the new testament's canonical books). 1500 published copies.

  • Hærramek ja bæsstamek Jesus Kristus åđđa testament (Our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ's New Testament) published in 1840 in 1400 copies with latin letters (antikva).
  • Min Hærramek ja Bæstamek Jesus Kristus ođđa Testamenta. Ođđasist samas jorggaluvvum darogielast ja čađa geččujuvvum vuđđu-giela mielde (Our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ new testament. New translation to Sámi from Norwegian). Published 1874.

Lars Levi Læstadius translated a large Bible history in 1843, and in doing so created the biblical vocabulary in Lule Sámi. The New Testament was published in 1903 with a new translation in 2003.

The first translation to South Sámi was Jupmelen rijhke lea gietskesne (The Kingdom of God is near) in 1993.

The International Bible Society published a children's Bible in 1999.