Fairground Art. The Art Forms of travelling Fairs, Carousels and Carnival Midways. Second printing.

Utgitt: New York,
Tverr-4to. 312 s. Gjennomillustrert. Orig. bd. med vareomslag. Trykkerifeil/brett i hjørnet på ett blad. Navn med penn. Brist i fremre, indre fals. Ellers er det et pent eksemplar.
Kommentar: “Based on years of research, travel and photography (…) Fairground Art traces the development of amusement park imagery from the primitive fairs of the nineteenth century through the Art Deco neon wonders of the 1930s to the slick high-tech attractions that prebail today”.

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Fairground Art. The Art Forms of travelling Fairs, Carousels and Carnival Midways. Second printing.