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  • The natural History of Norway: Containing a particular and accurate Account of the Temperature of the Air, the different Soils, Waters, Vegetabeles, Metals, Minerals, Stones, Beasts, Birds and Fishes; together with the Dispositions of the Inhabitants: Interspersed with Physiological Notes from eminent Writers and Transactions of Academies. In two Parts. Translated from the Danish Original.

The natural History of Norway: Containing a particular and accurate Account of the Temperature of the Air, the different Soils, Waters, Vegetabeles, Metals, Minerals, Stones, Beasts, Birds and Fishes; together with the Dispositions of the Inhabitants: Interspersed with Physiological Notes from eminent Writers and Transactions of Academies. In two Parts. Translated from the Danish Original.

Utgitt: London, A. Linde,
Folio. XXIII, (1), 206 s. + VII, (1), 291, (12) s. Med 28 kobberstikk og 1 foldet kart.Samt. helskinnbind med restaurert rygg. Rik gulldekor på ryggen. Bindet er med slitasjemerker, mest rundt kantene. Liten skade øverst på forpermen. Ren og pen materie.
Kommentar: Pontoppidans bok ble raskt oversatt til både engelsk og tysk. Den engelske utgaven er i stort format i forhold til den dansk/norske og tyske. Prospektene over Bergen og Drammen er ikke inkludert i denne engelske utgaven av en eller annen grunn.

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The natural History of Norway: Containing a particular and accurate Account of the Temperature of the Air, the different Soils, Waters, Vegetabeles, Metals, Minerals, Stones, Beasts, Birds and Fishes; together with the Dispositions of the Inhabitants: Interspersed with Physiological Notes from eminent Writers and Transactions of Academies. In two Parts. Translated from the Danish Original.